Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family Shoot

Let's face it. Keeping up with your blog is not always easy for a photographer. It is usually the last thing on my list of "things to do." I think I am going to have to make a New Year's resolution to keep it updated and to build a better looking page. It is not that I don't want to share the photos from my latest shoot. (I always manage to get some on my face book page.) It is just that I am obsessed with getting my clients photos edited right after their shoot so they can have them the next day, and that usually means it is late night/ early morning before I finish editing and posting their proofs to my site. Say for instance, right now it is 12:34 am, and I am waiting for the photos to batch re-size so I can upload all 265 of them to my client's gallery.

Well, here are a few from today's family shoot on the beach. This family was so cute. It was their kids first time ever seeing the ocean, and they truly made me smile! So for today folks, my blog is updated. :)
© Fish Studio Photography

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